With Game-Based Learning for Retail

Reduce Incidents and Save Time & Money

Hundreds of thousands of employees yearly report having a health problem due to their work. More than half of them have joint or muscle problems. Another common problem is employees facing work-related accidents with injuries. The consequence of an incident can quickly become a costly situation. The only way to avoid these costs is to prevent incidents from occurring. As a professional safety manager, prevention advisor, learning & development manager or HR officer you have your hands full. Let Play it help you with that.

For who? 
Department Stores
| Supermarkets | Convenience Stores |
Apparel Stores
| Franchise Chains

Watch how in 30 seconds
Reduce Incidents and Save Time & Money
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Does It Sound Familiar to Have Challenges in:

training employees in basic safety knowledge

getting employees to work according to safety guidelines

making complex training plans for employees at multiple locations

organizing trainings without decreasing employees’ productivity on the work floor

onboarding new employees in a short period of time

reducing employee incidents and injuries leading to higher costs

motivating employees to follow trainings

minimizing costs and saving time with quick & efficient trainings

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The Power of Game-Based Learning

Play it’s game-based learning solutions provide trainings that use interactive, game-like elements to engage employees in learning. These trainings leverage the motivational and immersive aspects of games, such as challenges, rewards, and storytelling, to enhance retention and practical application of knowledge. By simulating real-life scenarios in a controlled, yet playful environment, they help employees to develop the skills that are needed for optimal performance. Play it specializes in helping companies on 3 levels:

  • Time-efficient implementation with off-the-shelf Play it Safe catalogue trainings
  • Enhanced brand experience with customized trainings
  • Unmatched flexibility when creating your own trainings with the Creator

Is Your Retail Staff Equipped with The Necessary Skills?

  • Fire Safety Training for Retail: In the event of a fire, knowing how to respond swiftly and effectively can be crucial in minimizing damage and ensuring the safety of everyone involved. Retailers ought to prioritize fire safety training and preparedness, ensuring that all staff are well-versed in the use of fire extinguishers and familiar with evacuation procedures. By focusing on these critical actions, the potential impact of a fire can be significantly reduced, protecting both lives and property.
  • First Aid Training for Retail: Work environments often involve physical activities like lifting, stocking shelves, and using equipment. Accidents, such as slips, trips, falls, or cuts, can happen. First aid training ensures that employees can respond immediately to these injuries, potentially reducing the severity of the situation. Retailers also have a high footfall of customers. Employees trained in first aid can provide critical support during medical emergencies, such as heart attacks, strokes, or seizures, until professional medical help arrives.
  • Ergonomics Training for Retail: Lifting objects without the right training or equipment, stocking shelves and constant bending or reaching, and using unstable ladders to reach the higher shelves contribute to muscular pains. Did you know that retail workers have the second highest rate of injuries from muscle disorders compared to other industries? Implementing safe lifting procedures, encouraging proper posture while stocking and providing training can significantly reduce the risk of these injuries.
  • Aggression Training for Retail: Retail staff can be vulnerable to threats and violence. Dealing with angry customers and difficult situations requires skills. Safety measures and training can reduce potential incidents and create a safer environment.
Is Your Retail Staff Equipped with The Necessary Skills?

How Delhaize Efficiently Trains Staff

With Fire Safety Courses

Delhaize is part of Ahold Delhaize, an international food distributor with operations in 11 countries on 3 continents. In Belgium the retailer employs more than 15.000 people. Delhaize has made use of Play it's game-based learning solutions to train shop employees in mastering the correct fire safety procedures in a fully customized training for an engaging and branded experience. According to Delhaize virtual learning is ideally suited for training people in safety. Creating unsafe situations in a real, physical environment is rarely a good idea. Simulating such situations in a virtual environment provides all the learning opportunities while eliminating the real risks.

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How Delhaize Efficiently Trains Staff

How Basic-Fit Employees Can Save Lives

With First Aid Trainings

Basic-Fit is a chain of fitness clubs in Europe with more than 1.500 clubs spread across the continent, employing more than 8.000 people. Basic-Fit uses Play it’s game-based learning solutions to efficiently onboard and train their large, decentralized staff. Aided by off-the-shelf available catalogue courses and a customized environment, the company focuses on essential topics such as first aid. In addition, the company implements trainings about how to apply ergonomic principles in order to create a safe working space and minimize injuries. Thanks to making use of engaging, game-based learning experiences, Basic-Fit’s employees know exactly what to do when an incident occurs.

Watch the video
How Basic-Fit Employees Can Save Lives

How Colruyt Reduces Incidents

With First Aid Trainings

Colruyt Group is a retail group operating in Belgium, Luxembourg and France. The company has more than 33.000 employees and uses Play it's game-based learning solutions to efficiently train their large workforce in first aid. The training helps employees become more aware of safety in the workplace, reducing accidents. The ability to train in the work environment makes the training particularly effective for the retailer.

Watch the video
How Colruyt Reduces Incidents

What Gamified Training Means for Hunkemöller

With Ready-To-Use Safety Courses

Hunkemöller is Europe's fastest-growing lingerie retailer operating in 19 countries. Hunkemöller uses Play it’s game-based learning solutions to teach its employees the basics of safe behaviour and risk prevention in the workplace. Our off-the-shelf and ready-to-use safety trainings such as fire safety, first aid and ergonomics allow Hunkemöller to simulate unsafe situations without the real-life consequences for its employees. By helping the staff understand these principles with game-based learning, the well-being is ensured of the company and its employees as well as its customers.

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What Gamified Training Means for Hunkemöller

How Jumbo Innovates in Safety

With Game-Based Learning

Jumbo is a large chain of supermarkets in the Netherlands employing about 85.000 people. Jumbo uses Play it’s game-based learning solutions to quickly and effectively train their large workforce in first aid and fire safety. The trainings allow Jumbo to simulate unsafe situations without the real-life consequences for its employees.

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How Jumbo Innovates in Safety

Why Play it Safe?

less incidents
happy employees
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A Trusted Team of Experts for Your Game-Based Learning

At Play it we are dedicated to tailor our trainings to your specifc needs bringing the perfect solution for your company's safety training. 

Make safety training fun again with Play it:

  • Go for 4 times faster training for your staff while becoming 30% more efficient
  • Ready to use within 24 hours with our complete catalogue of safety trainings
  • Customized trainings available to meet your specific training needs
  • Available anytime and anywhere in more than 30 languages and across different devices (VR, desktop, PC, tablet or smartphone)
    Vincent Goddeeris

    We were looking for a learning method that is simple, thorough and at the same time easy to access. The Play it platform ticks all these boxes and even adds a few more!

    Vincent Goddeeris | Talent & Organisation at Delhaize

Our Game Plan

Analysis and start up
Analysis and start up

What do you expect and want?

Onboarding staff
Onboarding staff

Strong onboarding with communication kit

Results and reporting
Results and reporting

Get insights, prove compliance and experience the real-life impact

Interactive Safety Training Through Simulations, Available on All Devices

Interactive Safety Training Through Simulations, Available on All Devices

Want To Find Out More?

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