Wed 06 March 2024

Why Multi-Device Is the Future of Corporate Training Strategies

The future of corporate learning is undeniably heading towards multi-device accessibility. This shift was highlighted when a customer, typically accustomed to training on his computer, inquired about continuing his training on his mobile during a train ride. This instance underscores the evolving nature of corporate training, which must now adapt to the varied lifestyles of employees.

For corporations, the transition to multi-device training brings several advantages. It ensures that training becomes more efficient and engaging for employees. This adaptability allows trainings to feel more personalized and relevant, providing context that resonates with the individual's daily life. Moreover, it empowers trainees to engage with their learning at their own pace, time, and preferred location, making training an integral, rather than a compulsory, part of their routine.

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Why Multi-Device Is the Future of Corporate Training Strategies
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